Halloween Fic Contest

Mwahahaha! So, you dare to venture into my haunted home, little mice?? Hi. Heh.

Well, as those of you that visited my Holiday fiction may notice...I don't have many. Like. Two. Or three. Yeah...

Halloween is a 'comin' up. Candy, costumes, damn Stephen King clown movies stocked in the movie aisles of Wal-Mart...

Digressing, digressing...

Since Halloween is coming up, I'm holding a little fic contest, starting as of now.

Authors may submit their Halloween fics to:


The winners will get a graphic to put on their page, and it will be noted on this page that they won, with their fic posted in the Halloween section. However, I would like at least five fanfics  submitted if this contest is going to take place. I have a few rules, however:

1. No new female characters and her female friends with their powerful mystical armors. No. Nada. Nien.

2. No lemon, or overly gratuitious violence. Damn the censors.

3. Nothing like...Satanic or anything.

4. Try not to use excessive swearing.

5. No attachments. Paste the story into the email.

6. If it's like an epic, I would like at least three parts.

There? That's not too hard, is it?

All entries must be received by Oct. 29.

Thank You!

Sharra: Mistress of Mania, All Around Freak, and Future Ruler of the Planet.