Adopt a New Generation Character

Okay, so the candles aren't that weird. ^^; But I thought they were cool. Anyway, what would a site be without little characters to adopt! They're cute, they're fun, and you can proudly boast to your visitors, "Heh. Look what I got. You don't have one." However, there are tons of 'Adopt a Ronin Warrior' sites out there. I wanted to do something a bit different. Hell, I want to do EVERYTHING different. -_-;

A friend of mine made a joke, "I wish I could adopt Mr. Miko." Well--there's no art of Yoshio's plush friend out there OR Yoshio, but I thought...

"Hmm. Waffles."

Yeeah... well, here they are! My dysfunctional characters all ready for you to plaster on your page! (Should you actually WANT to.)

Kudos to Amanda Swiftgold and Washu for the pics they drew so I could make these! Please note that these are only samples--and that you need to email me at, where I will send you your character. You MUST link back to the main page.